A wind blowing would be the right solution, as it's not an example of which value and energy cycling's happening through living items. Mortal sitting vegetables involve energy transfer between diverse trophic levels.
Latitude is the measurement of the distance of a location on the Earth from the equator. The further away from the equator that you are the less sunlight that this location receives. ... At the Equator, the Sun's rays strike the Earth at a right angle, which makes the heat more intense and concentrated over a small area.
B. An oak tree grows from the seed material in an acorn
It is very possible for a plant to grow on mars, but you would need better soil, because mars' soil is filled with perchlorate salt which is toxic to plants. You would also need to conceal the plant, because the temperatures on mars are usually freezing. But yes, you could have a cactus on mars, it would just be very difficult to sustain.