Yes! Common nouns = Nouns name people, places, and things. Every noun can further be classified as common or proper. A common noun names general items.
Go into the kitchen. What do you see? Refrigerator, magnet, stove, window, coffee maker, wallpaper, spatula, sink, plate—all of these things are common nouns.
Leave the house. Where can you go? Mall, restaurant, school, post office, backyard, beach, pet store, supermarket, gas station—all of these places are common nouns.
Go to the mall. Who do you see? Teenager, grandmother, salesclerk, police officer, toddler, manager, window dresser, janitor, shoplifter—all of these people are common nouns.
The important thing to remember is that common nouns are general names of everyday items.
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s influential work first appeared in the national Era on June 5th, 1851. Harriet Beecher Stowe the most influential American never ever written appeared first in weekly installments between June 1851 and April 1852 in the national era, a Washington DC periodical with an anti slavery slant.
The ' marks, called an apostrophe. "and in the story she said 'long live the king."
John is not Gabriel’s biological son.
To the person that deleted my answer, go ahead and read "The Rockpile" and you will get the same answer.
Maby you can be more specific on what your trying to ask.