No, because consumers equate quality of batteries with higher prices. With batteries consumers believe there is a price- quality relationship, it does not make the consumers, price insensitive. Also, there is no indication Energizer set a target price and adjusted cost and quality components to maintain wholesaler and retailer margins.
E. Compensation
Compensation method is an effective technique in businesses to clarify problems and justify decisions between managers and employees. In the current scenario, Wynette is using the compensation method to clarify and justify her purchase decision. She is giving different reasons why she chose an expensive printer over others; this is a compensation method because it will help her to justify her decision.
A bilateral is a formal agreement between two or more governments!
B. a fixed-price contract.
"A fixed price contract places minimum administrative burden on the contracting parties, but subjects the contractor to the maximum risk arising from full responsibility for all cost escalations. Also called firm price contract."
Mr. Plow couldn't come back to Springfield because he took full responsability for all cost escalations.
Reference: WebFinance Inc. “What Is Fixed Price Contract? Definition and Meaning.”, 2019
1. b.Excess Supply
2. e.Equilibrium Quantity
3. c.Equilibrium
4. a.Equilibrium Price
5. d.Excess Demand