a) Bond rating is done by evaluating and considering all the relevant internal as well as external factors associated with the financial status of a business.
b) Bond rating helps in analysing the risk associated with the bond by analyzing its credit quality and thus helps investors taking decisions related to their investments.
a) Bond-rating is the letter grading system that is used to indicate the quality of the credit-related to the bond of various organizations. Bond-rating is done by evaluating and considering all the relevant internal as well as external factors associated with the financial status of a business. Internal factors may include the financial strength of the organization. External factors may include various networks with interested investors and other government organizations and policies related to the same.
There are three important agencies that analyze the credit quality of a bond. These agencies are Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch rating Inc.
b) Bond-rating help in analyzing the risk associated with the bond by analyzing its credit quality and thus helps investors taking decisions related to their investments. It helps the investors to study the stability and quality of a bond. Hence, higher-rated bonds are considered to be more stable and appropriate for investment purposes.
Technology today affects every single aspect of modern society. In fact, there isn’t an industry out there that hasn’t been affected by the hi-tech revolution.
Whether we are talking about transportation, communication, security, banking or healthcare, they all rely on technology in one way or another.
But nowhere is this immense impact more apparent than in the field of medicine and healthcare.
Technological breakthroughs are revolutionizing the way healthcare is being delivered.Modern technology has changed the structure and organization of the entire medical field.
From widespread adoption of electronic medical records, to advances in bio-medical engineering and technology, modern healthcare and its delivery methods are changing at an ever increasing rate. But what impact will these changes have on medicine and overall care delivery?
Option d is the correct answer, i.e; payment_date IS NOT NULL AND invoice_total >= 500
When coded in a WHERE clause, which search condition will return invoices when payment date isn’t null and invoice total is greater than or equal to $500 then payment_date IS NOT NULL AND invoice_total >= 500 and the remaining options are wrong.
Therefore, the Option with, i.e; payment_date IS NOT NULL AND invoice_total >= 500 is the correct answer.
Global product division structure.
A Global product division structure is a business structure where the central headquarters controls the activities of it's branches which are located in different countries, especially when it involves key decision making process in the business.
The various member branches of the global product division structure has a manager who supervises the daily runnings of the business and gives a report back to it's central headquarters.