The best answer is C. Pakistan’s government tried to increase gender equality by reserving parliament seats for women. Numerous movements are done by the government to improve gender equality in Pakistan. Some of these reforms are bringing education to woman and limiting polygamy. In fact, during 1988, the first woman president was elected. During her reign, many reforms were done pertaining to equality with men and women.
Answer: True
Eric is in fact faced by an ethical dilemma. Should he decide to act in an ethical manner and refuse to fill the fresh produce with some older produce, his business could die.
Should he decide to act in a non ethical manner though, his business will continue for some time.
He is faced with the option of being ethical or non ethical.
That is his ethical dilemma.
The Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Report (MA, 2005), broadly defines ecosystem services as ‘the benefits humans obtain from ecosystems.’ However…. Not operational for all research purposes (Boyd and Banzhaf 2007, Wallace 2007 and Fisher and Turner 2008, Maeler et al. 2008), and efforts have been made to more carefully classify and understand ecosystem service to make their analysis more operational Fisher et al 2009). Ecosystem services are the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being, they support directly or indirectly our survival and quality of life. I. INTRODUCTION TO THE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
3. From an economic standpoint an Ecosystem service is ‘a good or service flowing from an ecosystem that is of value to humans and occurs naturally’. Ej = r (N) Ej = jth ecosystem service N = natural capital (ecosystem structure) r = ecosystem function or process Example: Water quality= r (precipitation, terrain, soils, aquifers, biota) Introduction…