Histrionic Personality Disorder
This disorder causes erratic actions, actions/thoughts that seem dramatic to others, patterns/emotions are too emotional for a specific situation
Answer: D, having a best friend who doesn't use a seat belt.
Teenagers like to rebel and appear cool in front of their peers so they are more likely to do things that are against what their parents are doing or what the law states. If they have a best friend however that does wear their seat belt then they will most likely conform and do the same as they don't want to stand out or seem, also best friends are comfortable enough around each other to not show off. It's different when it's just a friend though, teenagers will try and impress each other over sometimes dangerous things. We've all done it.
People with polycythemia have an increase in hematocrit, hemoglobin, or red blood cell count above the normal limits.
Of that amount, about one-half to two quarts of fluid and waste products are removed from the blood and passed out of the body in urine.
Dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth. They also help protect your organs and help keep your body warm. Fats help your body absorb some nutrients and produce important hormones, too. Your body definitely needs fat. the problem is people eat unatural fats in enormous proportions. manufacturers put sugar in all their foods and when its to not be burned off the sugar stay in the body and is stored as fat as an energy reserve for a later date. the continues sugar intake and low use of body energy cause fat to grow and cripple the body.