Simply put:
The Legislative Branch makes the laws.
The Executive Branch enforces the laws.
The Judicial Branch interprets the laws.
1. Archaeologists call these earliest people in the Americas Paleo Indians or Paleo Americans.
Paleon Indians or Paleo Americans are the name given to the peoples who first inhabited the American continent, arriving from Siberia, crossing the Boering Strait, which at the time was frozen and thus worked as a land bridge.
According to most estimates, these Paleo Americans arrived in the continent 16,000 - 12,000 years ago, although there is significant disagreement among some scholars over the exact time period.
2. The civilization that succeeded the Olmec were the Mayans.
The Mayans are one of the three main American civilizations, along with the Aztecs, and the Incas. The Mayans inhabited what is now the Peninsula of Yucatan in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, and were an important civilization not only in economic and military terms, but also in terms of scientific development, especially in the field of astronomy.
Slowing emissions growth, increasing international cooperation, and strengthening science, technology, and institutions.
During the 1700s, England was governed under a mixed constitution, made up of the monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Social media platforms cause low attention stands. The longer a teenager stays on social media the more they don't focus on another thing than that app. Technology corrupts the human mind. It shows us things that we believe is real even though it isn't. Every day when on social media we kill our brain cells and slow lose the ability to focus on other things. if we are unable to focus on others things than we won't be able to learn in school, talk to others in person, ect. it takes a long time to try and restore your focus spans. So if you use social media every day for multiple hours, i would suggest taking a break and putting your phone down.