Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.
thank me later
Since the question expect us to declare a C-string, the solution code is written in C as follows:
- char ssn[9];
- scanf("%s",ssn);
A C-String is a string written in C language. It is an array of characters. To declare a C-string, we use the keyword, <em>char </em>and then followed with the variable name + brackets and the number of characters in the string. For example, we can create a C-String for the SSN number as in Line 1.
To read standard input into the array, we can use C built-in function, <em>scanf(). </em>Just include a string placeholder, %s, and the variable<em> ssn </em>as arguments to <em>scanf()</em>. This will assign the string input by user to variable <em>ssn</em> as C-String.
C. Trojan
In Cybersecurity, vulnerability can be defined as any weakness, flaw or defect found in a software application or network and are exploitable by an attacker or hacker to gain an unauthorized access or privileges to sensitive data in a computer system.
This ultimately implies that, vulnerability in a network avail attackers or any threat agent the opportunity to leverage on the flaws, errors, weaknesses or defects found in order to compromise the security of the network.
In this scenario, a security administrator is reviewing the following information from a file that was found on a compromised host: "cat suspiciousfile.txt."
Some of the ways to prevent vulnerability in a network are;
1. Ensure you use a very strong password with complexity through the use of alphanumerics.
2. You should use a two-way authentication service.
3. You should use encrypting software applications or services.
Because it takes precision to a lot of things in tech and Eng. We need to measure all kinds of things, like wood, metal/etc. for computers and things that we use everyday, Because our world goes around being precise about things that we need everyday, like tables and things.