thank me later :))))))))
Hadoop clusters can boost the processing speed of many big data analytics jobs, given their ability to break down large computational tasks into smaller tasks that can be run in a parallel, distributed fashion.
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a Microsoft application package. It is a spreadsheet application used to analyse and manipulate data. It has columns which are referred to fields and rows also known as records.There are various features in excel that used to create statistical and graphical esctasies and data presentations.
It can be used to create template for CVs/resumes, Bank draft, receipts and invoice etc.
In excel spreadsheets, Sidney need to consider specifying relationships between the information you have stored in your spreadsheets when creating formulas. The elements that will help you understand using spreadsheet are the constants, operators, references and functions. This will enable her to use the formulas, without hassle in spreadsheets.
Physical component means Computer Hardware which you can touch and non Physical component means Software, which you can not touch. nonphysical component designed specially for physically component. like Microsoft company designed Software according the Hardware for example Microsoft windows 64 bit could not install on which 32 bit Architecture Hardware.