Her data are partially shown in the table. Of the students she asks, 60% of those
who like to eat popcorn also like to eat candy. Complete the table to show the
number of student in each category.
Rosa Collects data on what students at her school like to eat at the movie
theater. She asks a random sample of 120 students two questions. Do you liko
eat popcorn at the movie theatre? Do you like to eat candy at the movie theatre?
Her data are partially shown in the table. Of the students she asks, 60% of those
who like to eat popcorn also like to eat candy. Complete the table to show the
number of student in each category.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Multiply y and 2
Multiply y and 1
The y just gets copied along.
2*y evaluates to 2y
Multiply x and 4
Multiply x and 1
The x just gets copied along.
The answer is x
4*x evaluates to 4x
2*y-4*x evaluates to 2y-4x
The answer is 2y-4x+8
2*y-4*x+8 evaluates to 2y-4x+8
Multiply y and 6
Multiply y and 1
The y just gets copied along.
The answer is y
6*y evaluates to 6y
2y + 6y = 8y
The answer is 8y-4x+8
2*y-4*x+8+6*y evaluates to 8y-4x+8
-4x + x = -3x
The answer is -3x+8y+8
2*y-4*x+8+6*y+x evaluates to -3x+8y+8
8 - 7 = 1
The answer is 1-3x+8y
2*y-4*x+8+6*y+x-7 evaluates to 1-3x+8y