Answer: I believe it is the taking of Richmond that took the longest and was the hardest.
Explanation: Many soldiers on both sides lost their lives over four years of campaigning.
Mid Latitudes IE:
Nothern California
North Carolina
I would say that a significant change affecting the natural environment and biodiversity could be the cultivation of corn and beans in mesoamerica which probably required the clearing of some land for the purpose. In populous societies such as the Aztecs the amount of cultivation would have been significant to feed a large population. In more recent times, the buffalo hunt of the First Nations and metis people in what is now Canada as long as it was carried out on a small scale for food and clothing was sustainable but once rifles were introduced and hides were sought and also due to a deliberate policy of extermination by the US military to destroy the independence of the First Nations and force them onto reservations, the bison were almost exterminated. In the 16th century, it was estimated that there were 25-30 million buffalo which is one of the largest populations of mammals recorded in the world. It is believed that the First Nations deliberately burned areas of the Great Plains to foster grasslands for the buffalo feed.
Answer: C.In a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is distributed equally among the states.
In a federal system, power is shared by a powerful central government and the state or local governments. States or provinces are given considerable autonomy, usually through their own legislatures, while in a confederation, power is shared by an alliance of independent states, distributed equally among the states. They voluntarily work together for some common purpose and agree to certain limits on their freedom of action. They might sign a treaty or a constitution under which the states agree to defend each other, trade with each other, use a common currency, etc. Membership is usually voluntary & a state can decide to leave at any time.
The correct answer is "Liberty and personal freedoms should be protected."
Jackson basically explains the adage, of the people by the people, for the people and our government exists to protect life, liberty and happiness and is worth defending under those circumstances.