An economic indicator is a type of statistic data about the economic activity of a country, it enables analysis about the current situation and performance of the economy. Moreover, it also allows predictions of future performance. One economic indicator used to tell how an economy is doing is the CPI, Consumer Price Index, it takes a sample of many goods and services over two hundred unit category. The information is gathered through phone calls and personal visits.
I'm from K12 and i'm positive that the Answer is
C: Mediterranean Sea
yes very much so. The 16th president of America, also known as Abraham Linclon was the president that officially ended slavery in America.
Energy is the most essential resource and can get any problem solved. The occurrence of death creates a gap in different ways, especially in the labor sector; decrease economic performance, and capital also may be affected. Deaths occur because of diverse reasons; majorly is sickness.
When people are sick, the government should set aside funds that will cater to medical bills. This, therefore, affects the economy negatives since the capital is likely to decrease. The development of a given country deteriorates and production decreases.