Information coming from each eye goes to the opposite-side thalamus, where "inter neurons" receive and help process signals from sensory neurons and shuttle the data to the visual cortex.
Interneurons are the fundamental nodes of neural circuits, allowing message transfer among sensory or motor neurons and the central nervous system (CNS). They show dynamic characters in reflexes, neuronal oscillations, and neurogenesis in the grown-up mammalian brain. Interneurons (also recognized as association neurons) are neurons that are found exclusively in the central nervous system. That means that they are found in the brain and spinal cord and not in the peripheral segments of the nervous system.
Protozoan infections are parasitic diseases caused by organisms formerly classified in the Kingdom Protozoa. They include organisms classified in Amoebozoa, Excavata, and Chromalveolata. Examples include Entamoeba histolytica, Plasmodium (some of which cause malaria), and Giardia lamblia.
desiccation tolerance, alternation of generation
- Adaptation to life on land, took place by desiccation tolerance that is the ability of the organism to stand or endure extreme dryness and the alternation of generations such as the life cycle changes in which the haploids and diploids change or show haplodiplontic.
- The development of the phloem and xylem tissues for distribution of water and intake up of minerals from the soil. Development of stem for gas exchange. Some plants have defense strategies for the dry environments such as seedless sprout growth.
Answer: RadioImmunoassay
RadioImmunoassay is a technique used in the measurement and comparison of hormones. It helps to identify difference in the hormone concentration of various species. It makes use of Anti-bodies directed against the hormones and the radio-labelled forms of hormones. A standard curve that contains a known amount of hormone is then use to compare and calculate measurements of the new hormones.
Any characteristic, whether a physical trait, a behaviour, a physiological adaptation etc can make an organism more or less likely to survive in a particular environment.
<span>A dark colour could help a rabbit survive if it lives in a dark forest, because predators can't see it so well, but it would be less likely to survive in the arctic, where the environment is all white and it would show up. </span>
<span>In terms of the characteristics, think about: does it help the organism get food? Does it help protect the organism from predators? If it does, that organism is more likely to survive, and pass the characteristic on to it's offspring. If a bacterium has a characteristic of not being killed by antibiotics, this will help it to survive and breed.</span>