By electing new leaders and adopting a democrating form of life
The growth of cities has affected the production of food because as more people move into cities, there are more places that are having to be transformed into crops to feed us. We no longer have to grow the food in a nearby area, so this makes it to where cities don’t have to have produce so close to them.
the town takes up space so can't grow as much.
Inland Mexican Plateau has the largest population, please mark this brainliest!! I just need 3 more till I level up!!
There are two types of judicial proceedings in the federal courts that use juries.
Criminal trial: An individual is accused of committing a crime that is considered against society as a whole. Twelve people, and alternates, make up a criminal jury. A unanimous decision must be reached before a defendant is found “guilty.” The government must prove the crime was committed “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Guilty pleas and plea negotiations reduce the need for juries in criminal cases.
Civil trial: Litigants seek remedies for private wrongs that don’t necessarily have a broader social impact. At least six people make up a civil jury. The jury must come to a unanimous decision unless specified otherwise. The standard of proof is a “preponderance of the evidence,” or “more true than not.”
Settlement negotiations reduce the need for juries in civil cases.