I believe that on the Naive B-cell the antibodies exist as transmembrane proteins. A naive b-cell is a type of b-cell that has not been exposed to an antigen. When exposed it becomes either a memory B cell or a plasma cell that secrete antibodies specific to the antigen that was originally bound.
Structurally, DNA and RNA are nearly identical. As mentioned earlier, however, there are three fundamental differences that account for the very different functions of the two molecules. RNA has a ribose sugar instead of a deoxyribose sugar like DNA. RNA nucleotides have a uracil base instead of thymine.
It ensures that the two daughter molecules are exact copies of the parent molecule.
When cells asexually reproduce they split off from itself, and they have to replicate their DNA so both cells will have it because DNA is what tells the cell what to do, and how to work. The DNA will tell the cell parts all how to do their jobs, and will let the cell know when it should split off from itself. The DNA controls everything in the cell so without it the cell wouldn't know what to do.