The fiber in diet pills, performs as a bulking mediator in
the large intestine and not in the stomach. Diet pills should not be used in
high doses, because diet pills come with different side effects, which causes
illnesses, like heart attack or even stroke.
Yes this is true. The Punnett square can be used for such purposes
Yes when fossil fuels are burned they release the carbon dioxide locked inside of them
that is why fossil fuels are a big source of global warming and we will eventually run out of fossil fuels
The first top one is right
Molecules of gas starts movement when they get energy from the sun in the form of heat.
Molecules of gas absorbed heat energy coming from sun. This heat energy is converted into kinetic energy due to which gas molecule moves faster. Volume of gas molecules also increases due to expansion of molecules by the absorption of heat energy. So more space is occupied by gas molecule as compared to liquid molecules.