Tracery Command can be regarded as
network diagnostic tool, it is used in tracking process of pathway of packet ranging from source to destination on IP network. It as well allows to know real time of each hops that are been taken by a packet as it enroutes to it's destination. The traceroute can be run by following these steps:
✓Open the run window
✓Open Command prompt, this can be done by enter "cmd" then enter.
✓ input" tracert" then destination ( Ip address or web address)
It should be noted that Tracery command issued from the command prompt will show the route that a packet travels from the issuing computer to another computer.
A query can have no more than three common interpretations is false. A query is a search through a source to find the answer to something. A common interpretation are the items that pop up in in the first spots of the search query because they are the most relatable to the question. A common interpretation usually answers the question, but there are times that the question is more complex and needs to be search for longer within the sources that pop up.
D is the suitable answer.
All of the above
Answer: El hackeo es el proceso de intrusión en los sistemas informáticos sin autorización para acceder a ellos, con buenos o malos propósitos, el cracking es la misma práctica aunque con intención delictiva.
Hangman is game which can be played with a pencil or pen and a paper. It is a multiplayer game which requires minimum two players. It is a guessing game, in which a player thinks of a word or a phrase and other player or players tries to guess it correctly, letter by letter or whole word or phrase at once, in a certain number of guesses.
In this game, the word to be guessed is represented by dashes. If the guessed word or letter is correct, the player fills the blank spaces. But if the guessed word or letter is wrong, the player draws an element of a hanged man stick figure one by one as a tally mark.
This game ends if the player who is guessing guesses the word or the phrase correctly and the guesser wins; or if the player guesses enough wrong letters of phrases that the other player finishes the drawing of the hangman and the guesser loses.