Provide Labor And Buy Goods
Associate: where a company has holdings of between 20% and 50%.
Minority Interest: where a company has holdings of less than 20%
Parent Company: where a company has holdings of more than 50%.
<u>An associate company </u>(or associate) is a company that owns a business beyond 20% and not more than 50%. In business valuation such a company that has invested significantly in the shares of another company will have voting rights in the board of the acquired company.
<u>Minority Interest</u> is the term used to describe the investments of one company in another company, when such investments are less than 20% of the total value of the acquired company.
<u>Parent Company</u> is a company that owns more than half (50%) of the shares or value of another company.
The correct answer is: expressed in the prices of a base year.
Real GDP is an inflation-adjusted measure to calculate changes in economic output. It calculates the value of final goods and services produced in an economy in a year expressed in the prices of a base year.
Real GDP does not include changes in the price of products as it is calculated at constant prices.
Nominal GDP, on the other hand, is calculated on the basis of current prices. It includes changes in prices and is not inflation-adjusted. That is why real GDP is preferred over nominal GDP.
In this case, Nike is incorporating corporate governance into its business model, which is defined as a model for managing companies using the best market practices, using transparency, equity and social and environmental responsibility as essential parameters.
Companies today are no longer perceived by society as merely profitable entities, it is a social demand that companies assist in the development of society and minimize their impacts on the environment.
When companies develop programs to support society and sustainability, it guarantees the advantages of being better positioned in the market, attracting more investors, adding more value to its products and services and gaining a strategic and competitive advantage in the market.