The Kent State incident in 1970, Unarmed students were protesting against the bombing carried out by the United States military forces in neutral Cambodia.
The incident which is also refer to as May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre occurred on May 4,1970, when the Unarmed students of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio were shot by the Ohio National Guard during a mass protest by the Unarmed students against U.S military forces bombing.
Within 13 seconds, up to 67 rounds were fired by twenty eight National Guard soldiers killing four students and wounded nine others.
Answer: eugenics
The Buck vs. Bell ruling (May 2, 1927) that approved the eugenic sterilization of those considered genetically feeble, led the way to similar laws in 30 states under which around 65,000 people were sterilized without consent.
The Virginia General Assembly would recognize that the sterilization law was founded on flawed science and on May 2, 2002, a marker was built to acknowledge Carrie Buck in Charlottesville, her hometown.
The American Revolution influenced the French Revolution, because it showed the French people that kings could be overthrown.
Before the American Rev., the French were loyal to their rulers. Some rallied, and when a king was overthrown, most french realized it could happen in France, too.
Third, the crusading movement impacted internal European development in a few important ways. The movement helped both to militarize the medieval western Church and to sustain criticism of that militarization. It arguably helped solidify the pope’s control over the Church and made certain financial innovations central to Church operations. And it both reflected and influenced devotional trends. For example, while there was some dedication to St. George from the early Middle Ages, the intensity of that devotion soared in Europe after he reportedly intervened miraculously at the Battle of Antioch in 1098, during the First Crusade.