Algae live in bodies of water and damp places and are commonly found in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Terrestrial algae mostly live in moist, tropical areas. They prefer wet places, because they do not have vascular tissues and the other necessary adaptations to survive on land.
Parietal and frontal.. whichever one your looking for
he answer is because <span>samples of air taken over erupting volcanoes shows that volcanoes
contribute a small amount of chlorine in the stratosphere compared to CFCs. Volcanic
eruptions account for a large instability of chlorine from land to the
atmosphere on a yearly basis. This is in addition to chlorine that enters the
atmosphere from sea spray, industrial processes and biological gases which are
from CFCs. All of these inputs happen near or at the base of the atmosphere. Very
little of the material emitted from volcanoes makes it up into the upper
reaches of our atmosphere which is the stratosphere where it could touch the
ozone layer. However, most of it is believed to be deposited lower down which
is in the troposphere, where it then rained out back to the surface of the
Floriculture is an international, multi-billion dollar industry that includes the production of bedding and garden plants, foliage plants, potted flowering plants, cut flowers, cut cultivated greens, and floriculture materials.