The main function is A, secrete hormones
Boiling water is a physical change. This is because the water that is being changed into a gas, and can be changed back. Bohr proposed a theory that helped make the blueprint for the atomic model. Gold is a soft but heavy metal, and reflects light with a green/blue hue. Gold is a shiny yellow to canary yellow in colour, and is often confused with pyrite, or 'fool's gold'. The particles in a solid vibrate in place, and are very close together. When one atom of carbon and two of oxygen meet, the make a bond that in turn creates CO2 or carbon dioxide. I hope I helped. :)
Arteries and Veins transport blood away from the heart.
Object permanence is the developmental milestone that must be reached before an infant experiences separation anxiety. It is used to describe the ability of a child to know that objects continue to exist despite the fact that they can no longer be perceived that is , seen or heard, touched, smelled, or sensed in any way. This milestone is developed through touching and handling objects by the infants.
Chloroplasts, they help the plant cells to perform photosynthesis which animal cells do not need