1) = input and output should be defines precisely
2) = it shouldn't include computer code
Embedded Operating Systems are designed to be used with everyday objects, such as home appliances, gaming consoles, digital cameras, e-readers, digital photo frames, ATMs, toys, watches, GPS systems, home medical devices, voting terminals, and cars.
It makes your brain work better and it's also fun.
The brain does not like just one thing it wants to have more experience.
Person A, of course. This person is the original maker of the image therefore that person has the rights to that image, person B does not automatically become the owner just by using it on his website. So the answer is person A.
a) Cut/copy and paste allows you to select a section of text and insert a new copy of that text. You can also transfer data from one place to another.
b) Save is when you keep your work for later and it will be the same as you left it. Think of it like putting a bookmark in your book. Save as lets you name the files.
c) Close and Exit just let you leave the program, saying you are finished working with it and want to do something else.