Socialism describes workers owning the means of production, therefore no higher entity would be owning means, including government.
During the period beginning on the 30th day before the date a regular legislative session convenes and continuing through the 20th day after the date of final adjournment
As stated in the Chapter 253 of the Election Code, during the time commencing on the 30th day prior to the time legislative activities start and continuing until the 20th day after the date of the final adjournment was made, Political Action Committees (PACs) are not allowed to make political contributions to a statewide officeholder or a member of the legislature or special-purpose committee.
When citizens circulate petitions and gather a required minimum number of signatures to put a policy question on a ballot it is called an initiative. Twenty-one states allow their legislatures to put referenda before the voters and give their citizens the right to place initiatives on the ballot. Five other states provide for one mechanism or the other. Eighteen states also allow the recall of state officials a means of forcing a special election for an up or down on a sitting governor or state judge. Like initiative a specified percentage of registered voters must sign a petition asking that a vote be held.
Despite the irony the color "blue" indicates that it is the "hottest" temperature while red refers to "coldest".
It allows the bank to be exempt from many state banking laws and regulatory activities, particularly those that pertain to usury laws.