Human capital is the stock of habits, knowledge, social and personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value. Human capital is unique and differs from any other capital. It is needed for companies to achieve goals, develop and remain innovative. Companies can invest in human capital, for example, through education and training, enabling improved levels of quality and production.
pls make brailiest
That slaves were still slaves. Have a nice weekend!!
The correct answer is B) Delinquent behaviors are unlawful behaviors committed by adults, while unruly behaviors are unlawful behaviors committed by juveniles.
The statement that best describes the difference between unruly behavior and delinquent behavior for juveniles under Georgia law is "Delinquent behaviors are unlawful behaviors committed by adults, while unruly behaviors are unlawful behaviors committed by juveniles."
In the state of Georgia, when an adult commits an unlawful behavior, it s considered a delinquent. But if it is committed by a juvenile, it is considered an unruly behavior. When it is said that a juvenile is having an unruly behavior, it means that they are not behaving properly in school, at home or in public places. They are showing aggressive conduct or insulting people. When this is the case, the Police have to intervene but they do not arrest juveniles, they take them into custody.
es una importante cordillera ubicada en el este de Norteamérica. Se extiende desde la Isla de Terranova en Canadá, pasado por la colectividad de ultramar francés de San Pedro y Miquelón, hasta Alabama en los Estados Unidos, aunque su parte más septentrional termina en la península de Gaspé, en Quebec. Constituye el elemento morfológico más sobresaliente de la parte oriental de América del Norte.
Se originó en antiguas montañas formadas en el periodo Paleozoico con relieves suavizados por la prolongada acción de los agentes exógenos. El sistema está dividido en una serie de cordilleras, en las que la medida de altura de los picos es de unos 1000 m s. n. m. (metros sobre el nivel del mar). La cima más elevada es el monte Mitchell, en Carolina del Norte, mide 2037 m s. n. m. y es el punto más alto de los Estados Unidos al este del río Misisipi y de todo el este de Nor