Overmier and Seligman have described the phenomenon of learned <u>helplessness</u> as the tendency to feel powerless in the face of events that we can't control.
In 1967, Overmier and Seligman conducted a research, which showed that dogs, once found in an uncontrollable situation such as unavoidable electric shocks, were incapable of escaping a different situation, although there was a possible escape in that situation. The phenomenon of learned helplessness is also commonly experienced by humans who, after repeatedly going through a stressful situation, believe they do not have control over the events. They fail to take any action, even if there is a possible solution.
I dont't know if this is a question but it is true.
His father tried shielding him from poverty. He did not want his son to see poverty and the bad conditions people there were living in at the time, especially in the countryside. He didn't consider his son seeing these things in his life would help him in his journey through life.
c. cognitive psychology.
Ulric Neisser was the "father of cognitive psychology". Cognitive psychology is a branch in psychology that deals with the cognitive processes of human beings such as thinking, perception, logical reasoning, problem-solving. Cognitive psychology focuses on the mental processes of a human being and how they process any information. The processes are interdependent and occur simultaneously.
King Hammurabi was eighteen years when he became King of Babylon after his father's death and ruled between 1792 till 1750 BC.
The young king was not daunted by the task of being king of such a big kingdom and he immediately began to make peace treaties with strong and powerful neighboring countries and working on making the kingdom prosperous. He did this by undertaking several projects like strengthening the city walls, and new and better irrigation systems.
After he had defeated his enemies and neighboring countries, he established the first Babylonian Empire and went further to improve the city by building more temples, constructing canals and acqueduts.