The correct answer is on November 5, 2013
There is no substitute for hard work.
Be kind to others, and to yourself.
What you think about yourself, is sometimes more important than what others think of you.
You may not always be strong, but you should always be brave.
Answer: The Correct Answer is B
Could you answer my question about the Florida legislature?
A public good has two main characteristics: non-excluding and non-rival. These features make it difficult for producers and consumers to sell.
Education is not purely a public good, because some people can pay for a better education, and had privileges.
It is a right and a duty for the government to provide education for children and adolescents.
Anomie is described as a condition in which there is either no social control or it becomes ineffective and hence can be seen as a situation where the society offers little or no moral guidance to the people. It may be caused by a conflict of belief and leads to a collapse of social connections between the people and the society. The concept was first introduced by Emile Durkheim in 1893.