The method in C++ is as follows:
double calcPyramidVolume(double baseLength, double baseWidth, double pyramidHeight){
double baseArea = calcBaseArea(baseLength, baseWidth);
double volume = baseArea * pyramidHeight;
return volume;
This defines the calcPyramidVolume method
double calcPyramidVolume(double baseLength, double baseWidth, double pyramidHeight){
This calls the calcBaseArea method to calculate the base area of the pyramid
double baseArea = calcBaseArea(baseLength, baseWidth);
This calculates the volume
double volume = baseArea * pyramidHeight;
This returns the volume
return volume;
<em>See attachment for complete program that include all methods that is required for the program to function.</em>
1 'G' as in first generation.
Hope this helped. :)
The part of a computing device that is the biggest power consumer is;
Central Processing Unit
<h3>Central Processing Unit</h3>
The part of a computing device that cosnumes the most power is called the Central Processing Unit (CPU). This is due to the following reasons;
- The CPU consists of motherboard and battery that draws power from the socket.
- The Mother board is equipped with logic gates that are used to implement logic in the computer.
- The Logic gates are voltage signals that signify the binary information that are fed into the system.
Read more about Central Processing Unit (CPU) at;