The representation of 100.0 in the floating-point representation is computed as follows: First convert the given number 100.0 in the binary form. 10010 = 11001002 the binary representation.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string userInput;
getline(cin, userInput);
// Here, an integer variable is declared to find that the user entered string consist of word darn or not
int isPresent = userInput.find("darn");
if (isPresent > 0){
cout << "Censored" << endl;
// Solution starts here
cout << userInput << endl;
// End of solution
return 0;
// End of Program
The proposed solution added an else statement to the code
This will enable the program to print the userInput if userInput doesn't contain the word darn
You can construct it with a protractor.
Option A-Show AutoCorrect buttons, then you have the options to hide the autocorrect or to turn it on/off