The answer to your question is letter B. 9
Unbalanced reaction
Al₂(SO₄)₃ + Ca(OH)₂ ⇒ Al(OH)₃ + CaSO₄
Reactants Elements Products
2 Al 1
3 S 1
14 O 7
1 Ca 1
2 H 3
Balanced reaction
Al₂(SO₄)₃ + 3Ca(OH)₂ ⇒ 2Al(OH)₃ + 3CaSO₄
Reactants Elements Products
2 Al 2
3 S 3
18 O 18
3 Ca 3
6 H 6
The sum of the coefficients is 1 + 3+ 2+ 3 = 9
Equation of reaction:
CO + 2H₂ ⇒ CH₃OH + energy
a. An increase in pressure:
A change in pressure affects only equilibrium involving a gas or gases. Le Chatelier's principle can be used to predict the direction of displacement.
An increase in pressure on an equilibrium system will shift the position of equilibrium to the side having smaller volume and vice-versa
CO + 2H₂ ⇒ CH₃OH + energy
3 moles 1 moles
An increase in pressure will favor the forward reaction to be favored.
b. Addition of H₂:
An in concentration of a specie favors the direction that uses up that specie and lowers its concentration.
Addition of hydrogen gas increases the concentration of amount of substances reacting.
To annul the effect of the reactant, more the product is given. The equilibrium shifts in the forward direction.
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Growth rate
The responding variable, also known as the DEPENDENT VARIABLE, is the variable that responds to changes or manipulations made to another variable (independent or manipulable variable) in the experiment. It is the measured variable of an experiment.
According to the hypothesis provided for this investigation, the scientist wants to determine if the amount of fertilizer plants of the same species receive will affect their growth rate when planted in the same condition. This shows that the independent variable is the amount of fertilizer to be used while the RESPONDING VARIABLE OR DEPENDENT VARIABLE is the GROWTH RATE OF THE PLANTS because it responds to the amount of fertilizer.