illness anxiety disorder also knnown as hypochondriasis or hypochondria
<u>C</u>. <em>Deep sleep occurs in the first two stages of sleep.</em>
I believe deep sleep occurs in stage 3....i think.
The U.S tax system is set up on both a federal and a state level.
Bipolar disorder
Lila likely meets the criteria for bipolar disorders. Lila had an episode of depression about four months ago, and bipolar disorder is a mental condition that leads to extreme mood swings; from a low depression (Lila faced this 4 months ago) to emotion highs (where she is energetic, elated and hyperactive). She has become so interested in savings and investing (another effect of manic depression).
<em>Object Permanence</em>
Object permanence is used to <em>explain the tendency of an infant to recognize that objects still exist, although they can not be seen or heard any longer.</em>
Whenever an item gets hidden from sight, infants within a certain age are often get upset that the item has disappeared.
Jordan thinks that her pacifier has disappeared.
This is because they're too young to really understand that although the object can not be seen, it still exists.