To stop economy of the North to burn things to keep the Yankees not to use their things.
Four reasons to keep your money in a financial institution like a bank are: Its the safest place for your money. In the case of burglaries or any such misfortune, a financial institution is the safest option. Interest rate is an added incentive for keeping your money in an institution. Money usually keeps losing and gaining value. In a bank it will keep earning you an interest on your savings. It is easy to manage your cash, keep track of your expenditures and savings. Value-added facilities provided by these financial institutions are also an attractive incentive.
The technical name is overcorrection.
Overcorrection is a type of punishment applied to modify an unwanted behavior. In the case mentioned in the question, we have what is called restitutional overcorrection. The person who has performed the unwanted behavior is asked to restore things not to their original state, but to an improved state. Imagine a student draws an explicit picture on a blackboard at school. If he is asked to erase not only that board, but all the boards in the school as punishment, that is restitutional overcorrection. It is exactly what happened to the woman. She was not only asked to restore the ward, but to restore it better and cleaner than before.
There are 4 hemispheres, eastern, western, southern, and northern. The Equator, or line of 0 degrees latitude, divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It is also known as a half-sphere. And geographers, or people who study Earth, have divided the planet into two sets of two hemispheres. These are the Northern and Southern hemispheres and the Eastern and Western hemispheres.
Well, America Would basically fall apart. It causes many things to go wrong.