It is false that the Taylor’s 3 stores of atrocities reveal that it is not the intentions behind them, but what really count are the dreadful consequences of these acts. In actuality, it is the opposite of this statement that is true, therefore, what really counts are the intentions behind the acts.
Erikson's main idea of what happens if you do not master the conflict of a given age (the equivalent of a Freudian fixation) is identity crisis. Each conflict has two parts: the successful outcome one wants, and the negative outcome which comes from failing to master the conflict. Tye conflict of adolescence is identity vs confusion. If one should fail to master this conflict, they will be confused as to who they are, will not feel like they fit in, and will waver between varying personality types in an effort to discover their identity.
Professional and ethical behavior
I hope I was of help :)
Slavery became increasingly uncommon through the Middle Ages replaced by serfdom by the 10th century
Because we wanted our own country and not have everything ruled by a king across the globe