if you discuss themes Greek theatre were really big on fate and destiny, hate and love, etc
depending if you're writing it for specifically a play, then I would require more info.
In general terms one can think of expansionism, that is occupying land that were deamed not productive in order to cultivate or explore -- onje can check the American expansion to the West, this shows that the settlers had little to no regard to the first settlers.
After the consolidation of the American territory, latinos and native Americans were relegaded as second class citizens, along with ex-slaves, most lations and Afroamericans occupied big centers but mostly in the outskirts, and Native Americans now are over 5 million people, a few more than a half this number live in Alaska alone.
Nowadays there is the problem with the border with Mexico and one can say that there is justified fear of human traficking and smuggling with immigrants who seek a better life in the US, the problem is, there are good people who want to work and prosper in the US but they are blended together with evil-doers, still showing a general suspicion to Latinos as a group.
D. Consumer sovereignty
In a market economy, consumers determine what products are being sold and for how much. If consumers buy a lot of toy robots, the price of toy robots will go down. If consumers don't buy many toy robots, the price will go up. Consumer sovereignty is most connected with market economy.
In 1839, a group of Africans took control of a Spanish ship called La Amistad that was bound for a port in Cuba where the Africans were to be sold as slaves. After seizing the ship, the Africans demanded to be taken back to their homeland, but were tricked by the ship's navigator who set a course that took them along the coast of North America. La Amistad was eventually captured by the United States Navy, and the Africans were held as pirates. Though they were almost taken to be sold in a U.S. slave market, a court case arose regarding whether they could actually be considered slaves. Abolitio
Explanation: slave trading and cotton production was the leading industry iss you had 100 slaves you were wealthier then the person with 50 so more slaves is more cotton thats picked faster then the person with less slaves