Digital Millennium Act
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a United States copyright law that implements two treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization . The aim of this ACT is to protect the rights of both copyright owners and consumers. The law complies with the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright. The law has two basic functions. First, it protects copyright owners by providing them with a mechanism to enforce their rights without having to directly sue the infringer
formula bar shows the contents of the current cell and allows you to create and view the formulas
Border Gateway Protocol is a protocol the routers use to determine the most optimal path to forward the traffic.
BGP is a path vector protocol which chooses the most optimal path. The protocol decides core routing decisions based on path, configuration and network.
This protocol gives all the notification about the status of the connection and router.
It is used to routing in an autonomous system and provides ways to measure the effectiveness of configuration.
Novice drivers lack the experience necessary to reliably categorize and appropriately respond to roadside hazards. A roadside hazard refers to any roadside objects or features that have a diameter greater than 100mm that is on or near the roadway. These are objects or features that are likely to create a dangerous environment to the drivers.