As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, this bear overeats and stores food as fat to get ready for hibernation.
When hibernate, bears will keep sleeping so they won't get any food from outside so they need to collect the food before hibernating. They have to eat more food than usual and stored it as fat to keep them from starving. The fats also help keep them warm as they are insulating the heat.
This phenomenon can be explained by Allen's rule. It says that the body proportions and shape may vary in different climates. The temperature decreases as the latitude increases, so in the northern region is much colder. Animals must preserve heat in such conditions. So, exposed surface areas of the body, such as the ears, feet, and tail, are usually minimized to minimize heat loss in the cold climate. <span>Therefore, northern species often have smaller ears, feet, and tail than the southern species. </span>
<span>The Left-sided Problem of the heart involves the lack of enough supply of oxygen induced blood and the blood which is unable to reach the heart goes to lungs causing breath issues. Another issue with this problem is that left side of the heart pumps blood into the body, so when it fails, less blood will be pumped into the arteries.</span>
In order to remove oxygen from the water, they rely on special organs called "gills." Gills are feathery organs full of blood vessels. A fish breathes by taking water into its mouth and forcing it out through the gill passages. › wonder
How Do Fish Breathe