The typical folk song is strophic. The tune repeated several time with successive stanzas
Of a poem. Tunes may have from two to eight lines, but most often there are four. The music iterrrelationship among lines I'd described as folk.
first sentence "It occurs around July 21 every year" is false
May complicate reflection about serious issues.
Hypothetical thought is a type of thinking that involves being able to imagine different possibilities and explore their consequences. This is a process of mental stimulation that particularly develops during adolescence. The process involves several important and related stages, such as hypothesis testing, reasoning, judgment and decision making.
The answer is Executive Attention
Executive function is defined as the sub-function of attention which includes processes for monitoring and resolving conflicts that arise among internal processes. It is involved in the regulation of thoughts, emotions and responses. According to researches by McClelland et al (2017) and Schmitt et al (2017), it involves action planning, allocating attention to goals, error detection and compensation, monitoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances.