I know them in Spanish
Esta formado por los 206 huesos repartidos por casi todas las partes del cuerpo. Que permiten el aparato locomotor Que pueden ser largos, cortos, planos Que forman el esqueleto y proteccion para los organos internos Que se unen en tejido oseo, y tejido cartilaginoso Que son la columna vertebral, craneo, y pelvis
Well, not exactly like some parents have blue eyes and they have a dominant brown eyed child. This can happen because of the gynotype. The history of the child’s parents probably have some brown eyes which caused the child to have brown eyes. But usually the parent does express a dominant trait like the child.
CO2 and H2O is correct and now I just have to fill space sooooo
Cellular pathology as based upon physiological and pathological histology