Assembly election is the election for state legislative assembly (Bidhansabha).The elected members are called MLA(Member of legislative assembly).Leader of the winning party becomes the chief minister of that state. Every area in this country falls under two political boundaries. One is assembly seat whose winner will go to the state legislative assembly as a MLA, another is parliamentary seat whose winner will go to the country's parliament as an MP.
The roots of the renaissance plant tells us that the medieval and classical periods and the renaissance are related and one gives rise to another. In this case, the medieval and classical eras existed between the 5th and 15th century. The two periods form the basis of culture and art, where most people painted based on their perception, beliefs and artistic understanding. On the other hand, the renaissance that existed during the 16th century marked the beginning of most things that people see today. It was a period of a peaking society among Europeans. The art was changing into more fashionable designs in clothes, houses, etc. Hence, the roots of the renaissance plant tells as the origin of all arts and culture in the European society throughout the generations.
Here is what I found from an expert, you might want to put this into your own words. :)
By the end of the 18th century, Britain was the most advanced country in
Europe. The 19th century saw the spread of the Industrial Revolution.
Other European countries acquired the tools and skills needed to
revolutionise their economies. The United States also underwent an
industrial revolution in the 19th century.
Un conflicto es una situación en la que dos o más partes tienen intereses contrapuestos, los cuales no se complementan entre sí sino que son antagónicos en su realización. Por lo tanto, cada una de las partes utiliza métodos y se adhieren a valores que en la percepción de las partes son irreconciliables y por tanto chocan.
Ahora bien, el conflicto como tal puede ser el motor para una reconvención de relaciones injustas o negativas. Ello pues las partes (donde generalmente una es la injusta y la otra la que sufre la injusticia) manifiestan sus posiciones en forma de choque, buscando llegar a una solución favorable para ambas, con lo cual suelen ceder en sus pretensiones en la medida que la otra parte también lo haga. Así, muchas veces el conflicto permite destrabar una situación conflictiva, acercando las posiciones de las partes y llegando a un punto de acuerdo.