To find greater than or smaller than relation, we multiply the terms like (numerator of L.H.S with denominator of R.H.S and put the value on the left side. Then multiply the denominator of L.H.S with numerator of R.H.S and put the value on right side. Now compare the digits.)
So, solving A, we get 810<209 ... This is false
= 238>589 ..... This is false
= 496>780 .... This is false
= 420<660 ..... This is true
Hence, option D is true.

Step-by-step explanation:

To convert radians to degrees, make use of the fact that pi<span> radians equals one half circle, or 180º.</span>
<span>This means that if you divide radians by </span>pi, the answer is the number of half circles. Multiplying this by 180º will tell you the answer in degrees.
<span>So, to convert radians to degrees, multiply by <span>180/</span></span>pi, like this:
Degrees= radians X 180/pi
<span> </span>
She will have aprox. 40 pieces of ribbon