161.5 miles / 3.5 hrs = 46.143 mph
The square would be 100.
The semicircle you will use the formula πr^2/2.
That would mean you would take the 3.14x5^2/2.
So the total area would be 139.25
There actually isn't anything to 'work'. There's no question there.
The function simply describes the relationship between two numbers.
It says that whatever you pick for the first number, the second number is
(-4 times the square of the first one) plus (7 times the first one) plus (6) .
Your teacher may have assigned you something to do with the function,
like draw the graph of it, or find its maximum value (2.9375), or find where
it crosses the x-axis (2.381 and -0.63) or the y-axis (6).
But we can't tell what you've been assigned to do with it. The function alone,
just as you've posted it, isn't asking a question, and doesn't call for any work.
If rounded to the nearest 100,000th it would be 600,000
if rounded to the nearest 10,000th it would be 550,000
<span>if rounded to the nearest 1,000 it would be 553,945</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
Find the volume of a sphere 12 yards a crossed