Answer:Pastoral farming can be advantageous as land that may be unsuitable for crops can be utilized. However, a downside can occur (and has a number of times in the past) with the spread of disease from area to area just for 1 pro and cokn
They tend to have little rain, high daytime temperatures, and sparse plants adapted to the harsh conditions. Climate is the key abiotic factor that determines where terrestrial (land) biomes are found. ... Certain types of biomes tend to fall in rough bands along Earth's north-south axis.
Radiometric dating should be what they use
They are several similarities:
1) Most of the person in the Terror group "ISIS" follow "Islamic religion.
2) The people which follow both of them resides in west Asia like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.
3) ISIS have laws based on some misconcepts which are explainable by the religion "Islam"
4) They both believe in "Zihad" it is religious thing, whose goal is to achieve "Heaven in their language it is "Jannat"
5) They both are Organization, which means they both work under an organized law which is followed by everyone in their community.
The differences between them are:
1) Islam is the religion & ISIS is an organization.
2) Islam originated in 6 Century A.D. whereas ISIS originated like 60 Years ago.
3) Islam follow God, so most of their people believe in peace whereas ISIS is a terror group so they believe in harm others.
4) Islam can be followed by everyone and it is legal whereas ISIS is a bad thing & illegal.
5) ISIS has one leader name "Baghdadi" whereas Islam have their God name "Allah"
6) ISIS is limited in west Asia whereas a person who follow Islam can be found anywhere around the world
Hope this helps!
I don't understand your question may be questioned mistakes