Query data
Arrange data in certain order
Update information in more than one place at the same time
Merge data into a word processing document
Calculate loan payment is something you could possibly make a database do, but more likely you would simply use a spreadsheet. Databases are mostly for for storing, retrieving, sorting and manipulating data.
python is probably the best is you are a begginer
java and C++ are good too
number1 = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
number2 = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
result = 0
for i in range(number1):
result += number2
Ask the user for two numbers
Initialize result as 0 to hold the multiplication of the numbers
Create a for loop that iterates "number1" times. In each iteration, add number2 to the result.
When the loop is done, print the result
a medium dashed line
I always use medium hehe so I think that'll work.