Checks and balances by the judicial court
In the persuasion elaboration likelihood model, the central route is more persuasive when people have the ability and the motivation to pay attention. Persuasion is formed through two routes:
The peripheral route is used when people's motivation is low and there is no ability to process the message. The central route is used when there is high motivation and message processing capacity.
Therefore, the attitudes formed in the central route are more consistent, and resistant to contrary arguments, and more likely to determine people's behaviors and attitudes, generating changes in attitudes and durability.
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Answer: The Eastern Roman Empire lasted for 1,000 years longer than the Western Roman Empire:
Explanation: The eastern Roman empire known as the Byzantine Empire lasted 1,000 years more than the western Roman Empire because, In 330, Constantine I (Constantine the 1st) decided to make Constantinople the new seat of the Roman Empire; it could be said that this was the real starting date of the Byzantine Empire. While the Western Roman Empire crumbled and fell by 476, the Byzantine one flourished and lasted until 1453 when Constantinople was finally taken by the Ottomans.
Answer: Todos los organismos necesitan alimento para la energía requerida para vivir y crecer. Todos excretan (eliminan) los productos de desecho, detectan cambios en su entorno y responden a ellos. Todos los organismos vivos siguen un ciclo vital de crecimiento y desarrollo, reproducción y muerte.
b. social desirability effect
The social desirability effect is defined as the tendency to convey a culturally acceptable image in accordance with social norms and may bias the evaluation of various parameters in scientific research, especially self-reported ones, by leading participants to provide answers that believe they are socially accepted and avoid being associated with socially disapproved opinions or behaviors
Based on this concept, we can conclude that the fact that survey respondents overreport voting in elections and the frequency of their church attendance is an example of the social desirability effect.