Existing business with a proven record. When you ask for investments, the lending institution will most definitely ask for your financial track record. They would want to know if you are a good paymaster because they will need the assurance that you can pay them back. Even if you have a really original idea and want to start a new business, there will still be some reservation if you have no track record because the lenders do not know if you are trustworthy or not. Unlike if you already have a proven record that you are a good paymaster, then you at least have proof that you can pay back.
The correct answer is: family life cycle.
The family life cycle refers to the natural stages families go through over time. There is no set path these stages follow but the most common steps in the life cycle of a family are <em>leaving home -single young adults, joining families through partnership, families with young children, families with adolescents, launching children and moving on, </em>and <em>families in later life</em>.
<span>The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 established new requirements for corporate governance to prevent fraudulent behavior in business. An accounting oversight board and financial reporting requirements including instituting a code of conduct for senior financial officers are the main focuses of this act.</span>
Many employers will upload the resume with a scanning application that looks for certain keywords based on how they wanted it to be submitted.