Five negative impacts on social net work :
- It make it easier for criminals to find out basic information about you
- It make it easier for people who wanted to take your pictures for wrong reasons
- Criminals could use it to find out where you live
- If you upload your artworks or project to social media, it would be easy for people to use it without permission
- It can be used to find out/predict your activity and track you
Positive Impact
- It broaden your connection
- It make it easy for you to find out about news and other information
- It could serve as a platform for new business
- For parents , it could be used to watch out their children
- It could be used to gain more exposure for your artwork or project
The food handler should ensure that all the three compartments in the sink are rinsed and cleaned prior to use. This is necessary in order to ensure that the sinks do not harbor any pathogen that can be transferred to the dishes. The right water temperatures should also be maintained in all the three sinks.
It encourages children to follow these steps at home and in the future, leading to a healthier lifestyle.
I want to make a difference in the world
There is always something to work on and make better
Interested in helping the encironment for animals and humans
at zoo
working with people to make the world a better place
Most teen pregnancies are not expected as at that time in your life you learn about pregnancy and babies and learn that you dont want to have a child until youre older and have more insight.