Each individual data items of record is called field (letter A).
The client may communicate with Proxy server to use a protocol to proxy the communication between the client and the DBMS. Proxy servers lets you hide your real Ip address and replaces it with a new IP obtained from proxy server sites.
Technically, drawing in colored pencil is simply layering semitransparent colors on paper to create vivid paintings. Every color has three qualities
having a capital and lower case letters and a special characters and numbers.
it should be hard but easy enough to remember and no one will know
#First we define the variables to house the temperatures
#temp is an empty array that will be used to store the temperature
Temp = []
#The months is defined as stated below
months = 12
#Ask the user for the temperature input and unit if possible
print("Kindly enter the temperature here")
#the program enter loop to get the temperatures.
for x in range(months):
InitTemp = str(input("Kindly add the unit behind the number .eg C for celcius"))
for x in range(len(Temp)):
print("The Temperature is", " ", Temp[x], "for the ", j, "Month" )
#there is an attached photo for the flowchart
XLSX is the extension for an excel document.