<span>homozygous normal,” and the </span>TT genotype<span> as the “homozygous variant. Did this help?</span>
The Radio-ulna and digits of most primates and animals represents a homologous structure
An example of another internal structure is the genes.
The homologous chromosomes have the same genes in common. Each cell has at least two sets of chromosomes which one comes from one’s father also called as paternal chromosome and mother, called as the maternal chromosomes. These chromosomes are what makes the child obtain the characters and may depend on the traits the parents possess. Homologous chromosomes are not duplicated chromosomes or identical however, they are analogous or similar. The alleles for a specific characteristics isn’t the same but the same genes are in the same order.<span> </span>
There is a place in the lid where the fluid rushes to when you tip it, leaving the air bubbles in the cylinder of the bottle. In some companies it's a chemical inside the fluid that can evaporate over time and looses it's " magic" effect.
1s2 2s2 2p4
1s2 2s2 2p4 es la configuración electrónica de la molécula de agua. En el agua, hay 10 electrones, dos de hidrógeno y ocho de oxígeno. La subcapa 2s contiene un máximo de 2 electrones, mientras que la capa 2p puede acomodar seis electrones. El átomo de hidrógeno pertenece al primer grupo y el átomo de oxígeno pertenece al sexto grupo de la tabla periódica. En la estructura de Lewis, un átomo de oxígeno está unido a dos átomos de hidrógeno en un ángulo de 104,45 grados. Existe un enlace covalente presente entre el hidrógeno y el átomo de oxígeno en el que ambos se vuelven estables. El oxígeno necesita dos electrones, por lo que forma enlaces con dos átomos de hidrógeno que tienen un electrón cada uno.
<h3><u>Answer and Explanation</u>;</h3>
- Purines: Heterocyclic rings are synthesized one atom at a time, first atom attached to ribose phosphate (source is PRPP) and then all the other atoms are added .
- Pyrimidines: Common intermediate, orotate, synthesized first, then orotate is attached to ribose phosphate (source is PRPP or 5-Phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate).