Elastic, inelastic
Other things equal, demand tends to be more elastic the more substitutes there are available, and more inelastic when the higher the proportion of the consumer’s income spent on the good
One of the factors determining the price elasticity of demand for the good is the number of substitutes. More substitutes equal to more elastic demand.
general, the more good substitutes there are, the more elastic the demand will be. For example, if the price of lux soap went up by $0.25, consumers might replace their soap with a cheaper brand. This means that lux soap is an elastic good because a small increase in price will cause a large decrease in demand as consumers start buying other brands instead of lux soap.
When demand for a good or service is static when its price or other factor changes, it is said to be inelastic. So when the price goes up, consumers will not change their buying habits. The same applies when the price goes down.