The midpoint formula is used to calculate elasticity by using average percentage in both price and quantity.
The formula is given below:
Percentage change in quantity =<u> (Q2 -Q1) </u> x 100
(Q2 + Q1) / 2
Percentage change in price = <u> (P2 -P1) </u> x 100
(P2 + P1) / 2
Elasticity =<u> Percentage change in price__</u>
Percentage change in quantity
Inserting the data:
Percentage change in quantity =<u> (30 -20) </u> x 100 = <u>10</u> x 100 = 40%
(30 + 20) /2 25
Percentage change in price = <u>($20 - $10)</u> x 100 = <u>10</u> x 100 = 66.6%
($20 + $10) /2 15
Elasticity of supply = <u>40%</u>
= 0.60
Nigeria employs a combination of tariffs and quotas for the double purpose of taxing international trade for revenue generation and protecting local industries from highly competitive imports. The country's tariffs are determined by the ECOWAS 2015 – 2019 Common External Tariff (CET) Book.Sep 14
The correct answer is C
Word of mouth is defined as the advertisers and marketers who seek to establish or create something worth talking regarding and then actively encourage the people to talk regarding it.
Organic word of mouth (termed as Organic WOM), is defined as the word of mouth that naturally happen, when the person become himself the advocate as they are happy with the product and have a desire to share the support.
So, in this case, the beth who searching fro lotion tries few brands, but when she finally finds the product or lotion which suits her skin. She tells her close friends regarding it. Therefore, it is an example of Organic Word of Mouth.
Control of money supply.
The main function of Federal Reserve is to conduct the monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions.
Answer: The answer is C. Inspection requires both product tear down and product reassembly.
Explanation: The aim of quality-control inspections is to ascertain whether a product has been made according to specifications, and whether there are any defects in the products.
Therefore quality-control inspections will involve product tear down, in order to check the component parts of a product for quality assurance, and product reassembly is carried out after the product tear down to reassemble the products if it is discovered that it meets quality standard.