Mafia gain the interest and scrutiny of the public through their unique and fearful actions.
Mafia gain the interest and scrutiny of the public by threatening people in the society as well as killing some of them. The main aim of Mafia is to earn money so they perform many actions in order to gain money from the public such as extortion, kidnapping etc.
The person who gives money to Mafia is safe but that person who refuses to pay money to Mafia will gain the punishment of death so we can say that in this way Mafia gain the interest of the public.
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It is apart of cellular DNA an ATP, and is a major component of bones and teeth, it is often only available in limited quantities in the the environment.
Condensation reaction: A reaction in which two or more molecules combine to form a larger molecule, with the simultaneous loss of a small molecule such as water or methanol. While this occurs in many reactions, the term is usually reserved for reactions in which a new carbon-carbon bond is formed.
Robert Hooke is the first person to observe cells as microscopic structures.
He was of British descent and, fun fact, he discovered cells by looking at a sliver of cork under a microscope lens (although the 'fun fact' is heavily simplified).